Sliding Scale Pricing
We believe living a fit life should be accessible for everyone.
Sliding Scale Options
Option 1
This is the full price of each individual class, open gym, and personal training session.
Choose this option if
We own our home, property, or other assets
We have reliable transportation
Our savings represent a buffer to uncertainties or, financial support from extended family could stabilize us
We have disposable income after meeting monthly expenses
Alternately, our annual household income is above $146,690 and we are not experiencing any extenuating financial hardships.
Option 2
This is a limited discount off the full price of each individual class purchased, open gym, and personal training sessions.
Choose this option if
this list most closely represents your household:
We typically have some disposable income after meeting monthly expenses
Both housing and transportation are generally stable
We have a moderate amount of savings
Alternately, our annual household income is between $48,897-$146,690 and we are not experiencing any extenuating financial hardships.
Option 3
WIC/SNAP Discount
This is a limited discount off the full price of each class, open gym, and personal training session. Choose this option if you receive EBT/SNAP and/or WIC benefits and your family is not experiencing any extenuating financial hardships.*
*Option 3 will be asked to verify eligibility with EBT/SNAP/WIC card and matching name on Driver's License/ State ID upon in person payment or beginning of first class. Failure to do so may require Option 2 payment to be made or removal from class.
Middle class income is found using the Pew Research Centers definition of middle class as "an annual household income two-thirds to double the national median". However, the Topsham, ME median household income is used instead of the national median. The Topsham, ME median household income is found via the US Census Bureau.
If your family is experiencing financial hardships that are stopping you from participating please contact us at midcoastfamilyfitness.com for further assistance.